When referring to “bad” cholesterol, it means that low-density lipoprotein (LDL), simplified as a molecule which is a combination of fats and proteins, transport fat in the blood from the liver to body tissue such as the walls of the arteries. This prevents blood to flow freely through the veins. This fatty material packs, thickens, hardens and eventually over time block the arteries. This condition is known as Atherosclerosis.
However, not all cholesterol is bad. Very little people know that cholesterol, known to be a non-soluble wax matter is significant for building membranes, cell walls, nerve casings and the production of hormones.
Subjecting your body to high cholesterol levels can result in conditions such as high blood pressure and other disorders such as Atherosclerosis and fibrosis.
You can reduce high levels of cholesterol by maintain a healthy lifestyle that involves a diet with low cholesterol food and a regular fitness program. An unhealthy lifestyle of immoderation increases the risk of high cholesterol levels.
It is important to remember that trans-fats and hydrogenated fats or oils used in food, can be more damaging than the saturated fats of oils of some origin. Palm oil or olive oil may be more expensive, but is the best choice if you want to be safe against the damaging effects of too much cholesterol.
Consider a regular cholesterol test to prevent fatal hypertension or a stroke due to instant increases which you are unaware of.